Sunday, November 25, 2012

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

I see the gifts of the Holy Spirit acting in my life as I gradually develop faithful habits and shed the routine of the secular world. I am beginning to recognize the presence of God through these habits. For example, I have begun trying to see Him in the people I don't like. A few years ago, I couldn't have imagined thinking this way. I would only focus on the bad qualities I saw in that person, and I wouldn't even stop to think that I was insulting God by doing so. While I do not always think to do this, when I do, it is evidence of the gifts of piety and understanding acting in my life. 

I also notice Fear of God in my life now as I never did before. I feel genuine remorse when I recognize that I have sinned because I now understand the implications of such a thing. The remorse is greatest when I only recognize a sin once it is brought to my attention by somebody else, and I would never have noticed it on my own. Because of this new fear of sin, I am more aware of my habitual sins, like telling small, insignificant lies or flaunting my mom. I think this is the work of the Holy Spirit, slowly bringing my closer to God by making me aware of my sins and helping me to stop committing them. 

I need wisdom the most. In my young age, I often make rash decisions for a number of reasons. Some include hormones, peer pressure, simple secular desires, stress, the list goes on. I need to learn to take a second, often. I need to take this second and think about the moral and spiritual implications of the impending action, and whether they are in line with my beliefs. I also need help looking deeper into my long term actions. I have no idea whether this thing I feel for that girl is a healthy love or mere affection or even sinful desire. 

Speaking of sinful desire, wisdom would help me repress the desires of the flesh that are so hard to resist at the hormonal age. Wisdom would let me separate what vices are truly sinful and what vices are just frowned upon by this world's society. Not that any vices are good, really... but, moving on. Essentially, wisdom would give me the ability to shape my life in the right direction. The key there is "in the right direction". There are other gifts that give the ability to shape one's life (counsel), but wisdom confers instead the sureness of the right direction. I need that. 

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